Friday, December 20, 2013
21 weeks
12/14/13: We took a family trip to Knott's Berry Farm. It was much needed since Hubbs just finished both an online math class and his 2M school at work, and I finished with my classes all this week. It was a fun trip, spent the day wandering the shops, taking pictures, drinking mint chocolate beer, meeting Santa, etc. We saw the Christmas Snoopy on Ice show, which Dojo watched intently. We stayed the night, had breakfast on Sunday morning, then stopped at San Juan Capistrano on the way home. That was some great photo taking...
12/18/13: Dojo is 5 months today! Such a big boy. He is sleeping wonky again, perhaps his teeth or a growth spurt. He is getting much longer, and changing so drastically from week to week.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
19 weeks
Thursday, November 21, 2013
What's happening: 17 weeks
11/18/13 4 months old today! Dojo learned to spit and pthbbbb his lips. It's all he did at our WIC appointment. He's a whopping 10 lbs 7 Oz.
I HateThisPhone.
18 weeks
11/21/2013: I'm really pushing the limits of sleep deprivation at this point. More so than after he was born. He's been getting up around 2-3 am, which is fine, except I have not been able to go back to sleep aftewards. So when he wakes at 5, and 6, and 7, I'm stuck without a nap. Last night, i tried to nap at 530, but his Crappy Hour began and hubbs really had a hard time with it. Poor guy - best he knows to do is change Dojo's diaper, so I think I overheard 3 diaper changes in about 45 minutes. I got up and took the baby to bed with me. Dojo immediately went to sleep, but I just laid there. I got up at 830 when hubbs came to bed and stood in a hot shower. Then I was even more awake. Make some tea, did the dishes, and some homework. Finally went to bed at 11, but D woke up at 1130, and every hour after that. It was a rough night. Teething most likely. His fussenstein moments are getting more frequent. Still, compared to other babies he's pretty mild. It's raining today, too bad i have to go to school.
11/22/13 had coffee with the girls today, it was like having a daycare in my living room. Dojo was so good, squealing and squawking. I got some full laughs this evening, on video too. Will add them to the website soon.
It was a good weekend. D is sleeping better almost instantly. Sleeps from about 7 pm to 2 am, then again until 6 am .. More or less. I woke up Saturday morning so energized I swear Hubbs gave me regular coffee. I took Dojo to a couple of farmers markets to give Hubbs time alone for homework. Baby was so good, I think he really enjoyed being outdoors. The lady who owns the sandwich ship adores him. She is usually pretty stone faced, but as son as she sees him she smiles and comes to talk to him.
This kid's smile its more effective than a thousand Care Bear Stares at warming a cold heart.
11/26/13: Dojo got his second shots. He weighed in at 10lbs 10 oz, 23.25 inches. The doctor says he's only in the 2ND percentile, but its ok. He's healthy and happy. He's tracking well, rolling from back to side (though not all the way over yet) and we are practicing sitting up. He does ok for a second but his head makes him slowly lean until he falls over.
11/27/13: I keep having dreams about Dojo talking. He's his normal many body, but speaks clear English. The first dream a couple weeks ago was about me talking to his reincarnated spirit of Billy the Kid. Last night, the dream was of me trying to pot him back to sleep after he cried out, then said "My real mother left me a long time ago." And when I tried to comfort him I realized he war possessed and I started yelling asst whatever it was to get out of my son.
Clearly, I cannot handle getting more sleep. My brain is freaking out.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
What's happening: 15 weeks
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Weekdays happening: 14 weeks
Monday, October 21, 2013
3 months, how many weeks? 13?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
What's Happening: 9 weeks old
* 9\19/13: we had our first mommy melt down. He was tired and all sorts of fussy, and all he wanted was boob. He fell asleep, woke up as soon as I moved. Repeat meltdown for mommy. Mommy was doing homework though, and like a trooper, daddy figured it out and got Dojo to sleep so I could finish (and it was just enough time, too).
* ...then I steadily moved him to the bedroom. And noticed a spider on the ceiling. I grabbed tissue, got up on the way I'm getting my hand that close to it. Climbed down, got a shoe, tried to smash it into the ceiling...but no, it fell down into the Co-sleeper two inches from Dojo's face. Sigh.
* we've got nursing down. His little lips flare out and everything. Kind of looks like...what was that movie where Don Knotts turned into a fish with big lips? Yeah, looks like that.
What's Happening: 8 weeks old
Sunday, September 8, 2013
What's Happening: 7 weeks old
I figured I ought to do this by Dorian's age rather than calendar, although I'll probably change that next week. Here's what's happening at 7 weeks old:
* Sunday was the boy's first football day with daddy. Dojo didn't get scared and daddy didn't scream (while baby was with him, anyway).
* Sunday was also his first day in cloth diapers!. We had to buy smaller ones because he can't fit into the ones we have. We bought gDiapers newborn bundle from Target. They use disposable (biodegradable) inserts, so its not terribly different than store bought diapers. We have had zero leaks (no poo yet) and have been able to reuse the same cover all day. We'll see how it holds up over night.
UPDATE: these are great for pee catching. But if you know what we're dealing with here, that breastfeed newborn poo is like pudding that hasn't quite set... Well it doesn't stay in these diapers very well. We're going to keep using them, because they were pricey, but were looking for other options.
* Dojo is holding his head up like a champ when you hold him at your shoulder to burp him. We've done tummy time a few times this week and he's doing great. In fact, he's starting to get pissed if you lay him down. He wants to be upright all the time so he can look around.
* The only exception here is that we bought him a play mat at the baby thrift store. So far, he's enjoying laying on it, watching the light-up turtles and looking at the orca that hangs above him.
* I don't know if I mentioned this last week, but he's discovered he can pinch things with his toes. So while I'm feeding him, he'll put his foot on my arm and pinch away.
* Finally getting thank you cards from the baby shower in the mail along with birth announcements!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
This week
I figure its about time to start logging these things. Things I swear I'll never forget, while overestimating my sleep deprived memory. So here goes...
This week's happenings:
* Dorian is learning to put his fists to work. He is starting to rub his eyes when he gets sleepy, push his binky in when it starts to slip and knock it out when he's fussy. Still finding balls of lint between his fingers when he finally relaxes his hands. He's also discovered sucking on fists, which leads to the next happening...
* He gave himself a hickey on his arm.
* He is eating more, and wetting through his diapers on occasion. Three times this week so far. We bought new cloth diapers that are newborn size, so we'll be trying those tomorrow.
* We bought an owl lamp and humidifier in honor of his first cooing sound: "whoo". This week, however, mommy and daddy saying "gah" is hilarious. He hasn't quite learned to repeat that one yet.
* There were a couple of times when I felt like all I did all day long was pick his nose and get stuff out of his ears.
* I squirted myself in the face this morning. Guess I was full. Not that you needed to know that, but it seemed worth mentioning.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The CPJE: 29 weeks
29w: Today is our 5th anniversary! It's hubbs first time home for an anniversary in four years, so we celebrated big. He had plans, and it was all a surprise. (We actually celebrated a day ear;y because he had duty on Sunday).
On Thursday morning I woke up to a text from hubbs telling me to check my email. My email contained an appointment confirmation for a prenatal massage at 230pm. I did my homework, ran some errands, and went to the most magical hour of my life. Afterward, I raced home, packed my bag, and we drove to Hillcrest. We checked into a B&B then headed off to a great dinner at something psuedo-Italian. They served most everything in mason jars and we even got a complimentary toast of champagne (ginger beer for me!) and a small chocolate mousse for dessert. We did, however, get cheated out of our leftovers (the guy forgot about them and never brought them back to our table) which was a bummer but overall the night was great. We conked out early, you know, because we party hardy these days.
Friday morning, we found out we got approved for the birthing center!!!!!!! We devoured the breakfast bar of fresh fruit, cereal and muffins then headed off to Balboa park to see the Ripley's Believe it or Not exhibit and the Timkin. We headed off to our favorite bar to have dinner, played pool and shuffleboard, and then settled on the couch for movies. (The above picture is the best you get when hubbs is a little drunky, btw.) I did absolutely nothing for the rest of the weekend. And it was good.
29w5d: Had my first appointment at the birth center today. The midwife I met, Roberta, looks like the world's best grandmother :) She was really sweet and I liked her instantly. She felt my belly and said it feels like the baby is sort of at an angle, facing forward, with his head on my left side of belly button and his feet in my right side. That explains why my right side has been so tender - its where he's been kicking the most. The "eggbelly" lump that he pushes through the front of my belly must be his head. Egghead. Figures.
I have exams all next week, finals the week after, and then I am DONE for the summer and focus on baby baby baby! I spent alllll day yesterday packing up crafts and cleaning up the nursery. I didn't get it all done, but I feel good that I got as much done as I did. It's a start.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The CPJE: 27 Weeks
Here we are, the end of the second trimester is quickly approaching!
Baby Dojo has developed two types of movement: kicking/punching/twitching and summersaulting/pushing through my belly button. All of which are visible. The kicking/punching/twitching is nothing new, just getting ever so frequent and is visible through my clothing. In fact, he is punching/kicking/twitching so hard that it makes my hand jump if I'm holding my belly.
The summersaulting, however, is enough to make me stop in my tracks. I dont know exactly what he is doing, but he moves around in such a way that I sometimes get motion sickness just sitting still. When this feeling comes on, I know that if I look down I'll have Quasi Moto belly where a great part of him is sticking out in a weird way. And if I watch long enough, that lump will visibly move across my skin. It feels as though he's trying to push through the front/side of my belly. This week, he's riding low and heavy and I feel like I need to walk around holding my belly up. Oh the waddle.
And sleep? What's that? I'm getting weird back pain and just can't get comfortable. I toss and turn like a rotisserie chicken during the night, and am still waking up at 3-4 a.m. I have to stop several times a day and, bending at the waist, rest my arms and head on the counter or the bed or the back of the couch so that I can stretch my back. If I decide to get pregnant again, I think I should become a weight trainer so that I am strong enough to handle this ball on my belly. I'm not used to being this weak (no jokes, please). I really think I've had trouble gaining weight (according to the scales) because I'm actually losing all of my muscles. I'm going to be spaghetti limbs here in a little while, I swear.
Since strawberries have been on sale the last two weeks, I've probably eaten my weight in them. And grapes. And chicken salad. And potato chips with onion dip. And I discovered Sprout's Oat Bran bread - holy mama that stuff is goooood. I just wish they accepted WIC, because I'd do nearly all of my shopping there now. As it is, I have to go to three stores every week (Sprouts for their fruit, and now bread; the commissary for paper goods, OJ, and WIC stuff; and Trader Joe's for everything else! When did this get so complicated?!) But I digress...
Of course, I failed the 3-week-early glucose test and had to take the 3-hour test. Which meant I had to fast for 12 hours, go to the hospital, get my base blood drawn, then drink down a thick red goo and wait an hour. Get blood drawn again, wait an hour, draw blood, wait an hour, and draw blood a fourth time - all without eating. When all was said and done, it was 15 hours without food. I was light headed, nauseated and uncomfortable the whole time. I got through until about 10 minutes before my last blood draw and then had to run to the bathroom to get sick. I was terrified they'd make me reschedule and do it all over again, but since I was so close to the last draw they let me go ahead and finish it. Fingers crossed that I don't fail this one!
Overall, though, I'm feeling good and staying positive and trying to enjoy it all. I spend a lot of time every day just staring at my belly and watching Dojo move around. He's more active this week than he has been ever before.
The cabinetry in the guest room is almost done. I bought storage baskets for my crafts. Which means I am "that much" closer to start work in the nursery! It's going to be a busy weekend. Woot! And hubbs passed his weigh-in (with a few pounds to spare) so he is on top of the world and excited for the future!
The Crappiest Pregnancy Journal Ever: The First 26 Weeks in a Nutshell
A Recap:
As ya'll probably know, we were being treated for "unknown infertility" for a couple of years before we were given the opportunity to have an IUI. After a few weeks of hormones and drugs and hormones and belly injections and hormones and drugs, we had our first IUI (more on that weird experience later).
4/5 Weeks: We were extatic, relieved, surprised and bumbled to discover that the very first attempt was successful! We were in the shoe department at the NEX looking for sandals when the doctor called to confirm our positive pregnancy test result. I bawled right there next to the Nikes. He scheduled for us to have an ultrasound the following Monday to make sure it was a viable pregnancy, and so it was.
The following weekend, we broke the news to our immediate family. (more about that later, too)
6 Weeks: Oh, hello nausea. I was not looking forward to meeting you. Honestly, weeks 6-9 are pretty much a blur. I was so nauseous - but thankfully not throwing up - that all I could do was lay on the couch and whine. I began removing almost everything from my diet: sauces (which meant no pasta!), salsas (no Mexican food!), spices, tomatoes, bananas. Everything made my stomach upset. I felt like I had drank too much, and was hanging my head thinking "If only I could throw up, I'd feel so much better..." but knowing that throwing up would not make the nausea go away.
9 Weeks: I discovered Sea Bands. I don't know why I waited so long to buy them. We were travelling two hours to Long Beach for Mama Chela's 90th birthday and I just couldn't be sick. A few days before hand, I bought the bands and for the first time felt like I could get off the couch! I didn't feel great, but at least I could leave the house.
We made it through the party, and made our announcement to Mama Chela and my husband's father's side of the family who were in attendance. I spent nearly all night under the heater (it was an outdoor party) but was thankful that there was plenty of plain beans and rice and tortilla chips to eat :)
During this time, just about all I could eat was plain bean and cheese burritos. And cereal. And ginger ale.
Still pretty nauseous! |
Around this time, we prepared our announcements and included them in our Christmas cards. Just after Christmas we posted our announcement photo online. I supposed I started to show a little bit, a very little bit. Really, I just looked (and felt) like I had overeaten.
Starting to feel better! |
Thumbsucker! |
17 Weeks: I felt baby move for the first time! It was just a flutter, but once I recognized it, I felt it all the time. Such a weird, exhilarating feeling.
Baby's moving! |
18 Weeks: Hubbs felt baby move for the first time! I read somewheres on the interwebs that if I could feel the baby move, chances are he could, too. So every night I made him hold his hand on my belly while we watched TV until he could feel it. I admit, his reaction was a little less than I had hoped for: he looked at me in utter surprise and excitement for just a brief moment, then was distracted by the ending of the episode of Dexter he was watching. Turd.
At the end of the week, I had my first cystoscopy to follow up on the bladder abnormality they found during my trip to the hospital two weeks prior. Bladder mass was confirmed, and stumped the doctors, so I was put on hold for a few days until they could decide what to do.
19-20 Weeks: By this time, I was feeling GREAT. I woke up feeling wonderful every day. I was excited to dress my little belly and get out of the house. My appetite was coming back and I was able to eat some of the foods I had given up earlier on. The doctors decided that the unknown mass in my bladder could be quite a problem and it had to go as soon as possible. They scheduled me for surgery.
While we patiently waited for the impending surgery (and I thought hubbs would go all-gray), we had an ultrasound to find out the sex of our little one. We swore every day that it didn't matter either way. Knowing all of the trouble we had gone through to get pregnant in the first place, we were just happy to be having a little one at all. But... as soon as the tech let out that three letter word, b-o-y, hubbs let out a viking growl unlike any I had heard before. I got a great laugh out of his reaction, and just teared up a tiny little bit.
We met with our midwife a few days later and she told us baby boy was in the 49th percentile and looked perfectly healthy!
21 Weeks: Surgery. It knocked me off my feet more than I expected, to be honest. The spinal anesthesia, I was told, was stronger than an epidural but not quite as strong as what you'd get for a C-section. It was such a weird feeling not being able to walk. Or pee. Overall, it went well and we were able to go home that afternoon. I slept it off for a couple of days and felt generally fine, but it really set me back a couple of weeks. I had been feeling SO good before the surgery, but really had to take it easy afterward and didnt do much outside of the house or school. I had a few crappy days followed by a few good days, then a week of "Whoa, I'm not all better yet" days. Baby was safe and happy and moving as he should, so that's what really mattered.
23 Weeks: Biopsy results came back as "low malignant potential", which means I do not have cancer now, but I need to go back after the baby is born to have it looked at again. Additionally, I ate a whole pan of brownies in two days. I even took it in the car with me so I could eat while driving... Naps don't seem as necessary as they used to, but I still like them :)
25 Weeks: Um, where'd this belly come from?! It popped out overnight, I swear! One day I was just a little bloated and then suddenly there was a baby bump. And it moves. That's the weird part! Seeing a lump in my belly where his bum is poking out is quite the experience.
We toured the birthing center this week and really like it. Now we just have to cross all fingers and toes and hope that our insurance will allow us to go. I met with an OB/GYN doctor as she was curious to do a check-up after my surgery (I'd never seen this woman before, only the midwives). She was a little patronizing (she kept calling me "kiddo") and tried to explain to me that water births aren't safe because they're not sanitary and lead to infections, "you know, like when you get a pedicure." ...Right. Because the rise of infectious pedicure deaths is a big concern these days... She made me get a vaccination (which I don't like to do) and take the glucose test 3 weeks early. I wasn't prepared to take it that, I had Jack-in-the-Box on the way to the hopsital for gawds sake. Ugh. I felt like I was being held hostage by the hospital and our insurance. It was not a great day, so please send us good juju so that we can be allowed to go to the birthing center!
26 Weeks: I got a semi-surprise trip from the girls (I expected one, but the second was a surprise!). We had a great girls weekend, complete with mani-pedis, The Melting Pot, and lots and lots of baby shopping :) Baby Dojo has quite the monster wardrobe now! He's moving so much, and poking out in weird places. I'm waddling a lot, too. Oh, and sleeping has become quite difficult. I am waking up at about 3-4 am and lying in bed for hours until I can fall asleep again.
Which brings us to the present: And that's a wrap!
Let's do this again real soon, okay? ;)
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Homemade Yogurt
I had three different things to tell you about that would lead to why I decided to make yogurt. But they all failed to illustrate my brain properly. So I'm just going to tell you that I decided to make yogurt. There. Done.
I found several recipes for homemade yogurt and mashed a few of them together, but you can read them individually here and here. The ingredients are the same, the processes vary only slightly, and while the idea of using my crock pot was intriguing, as suggested somewhere else, I decided to skip that process altogether for the first try.
What you'll need:
- A large pot with a lid and spoon or spatula
- Milk
- Yogurt starter (a couple of tablespoons of store-bought yogurt is fine)
- Honey (optional)
- Thermometer
- A couple of towels
- A warm oven or a heating pad
- Sink and cold water
- Cheesecloth or coffee filters and a bowl for straining (optional)
- Jars for storing
I heated the milk (about a quarter of a gallon of organic milk) directly on the stove, stirring gently and constantly until it reached ~185 degrees F. I stirred in a few glops of honey (I didn't measure). Then I plopped the pot into a water bath in my kitchen sink. Note: My sink has only a three inch divider in it, so I had to use a wash tub with cold water for this step. If you have a "normal" sink, you should be able just to plug it and fill it 1/3-1/2 of the way with cold water. You don't want it too full or your pot may float and tip over.
When the milk had cooled to ~115 degrees F, I put in the yogurt starter (a few tablespoons leftover from Trader Joe's Greek Honey yogurt). When that was all mixed in, I covered the pot, set it on a heating pad on medium heat (on top of a wooden cutting board) and wrapped it up in towels.
And then I waited....and waited... and waited. 7 hours.
When I shimmied the pot, it still looked like liquid. I removed the lid and poked it with my spatula.. Yup, liquid. After a frantic Googling to find out why my yogurt hadn't set, I figured it was one of two things: 1. Because my heating pad has an auto shut-off feature, it could have been incubated too inconsistently 2. Medium heat could have been too warm.
Uncle Google suggested that I should add a bit more starter and let sit for another 8 hours. I heated the oven to 170 degrees (the lowest setting on my digital oven), then turned it off. I had to take out the top rack to fit the pot in, but did so wrapped with towels. I left the light on, as suggested in many other blogs to help keep the oven warm, and left it over night.
When I woke up the next morning, the yogurt was set and smelled divine! I gave it a good stir and divided it between three mason jars. I covered them tightly and put them in the back of my frig (the coldest area). After a couple of days, I finally got around to straining it a bit to achieve a thicker "Greek" consistency. Note: Save the whey that you drain from your yogurt! You can use it in place of water in many recipes, like pancakes, muffins, and this whey bread!
You'll end up with less yogurt than you started with, after you drain out the whey, but it will be thick and creamy. If you prefer regular, non-Greek style yogurt then you can skip this step altogether and just eat away!