Sunday, August 22, 2010

that kind of day

so i'm sitting at the dining table on the computer. the windows are all open because there's no a/c. its a quiet sunday, just the occasional car or airplane, no music, no tv, nuthin. alluvasudden there's a loud scratching at the dining room window, that makes both myself and the dog jump. grainne stands up and peers out the window, and i'm staring trying to figure out what it was. the tree branch scraping the window? no... its a bougainvillea, no branches. the screen is flapping around, looks like it came loose on the bottom. need to call the landlord to see if she'll have someone come out and fix that one and the one in the kitch - SCCCCRRRRRAAAAAAATCH! MEOW! MEOW! and little azreal head pops into the window from the outside.

apparently his dumb ass fell out of the window, which is what knocked the screen loose, just like in the kitchen, and he was trying to climb up the wall to get back in the window. i had to go outside, around the house, and coax him in the front door