Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year!

We got our dancy on last night - the first time we've gone out since I've been here. It was hard to find anything going on that didnt cost an arm and a leg to get in the door. Many places downtown were charging from $50-300 PER PERSON.. a little crazy. So after searching a bit online, I found a club in Hillcrest that was boasting free drinks from 9-11 with a $20 cover. It looked a little Hot Pink-ish so we checked it out. We got all dolled up, but couldnt take a picture because my camera battery died :(

The club was alright. really small. Crowded. The women's room wasnt working. The music was so-so. But who can argue with free beer? All in all we had a good time. I missed dancing.

Today, we took the dog to the beach for a minute. Got donuts. Ate chorizo burritos. (Not in that order, by the way. the opposite, actually.) Currently on the couch watching the Loony Toons marathon. We love these cartoons. Havnt heard JM laugh this much in a while.

Hope everyone else has a safe and happy new year!


David said...

Happy New year to you guys too! Have had a hellacious cold for several days now so playing catch up! Got a call from Bob yesterday and usually i don't talk with him but this time he got me, and i read him the riot act for his complete disregard and the grief it is causing each time he surfaces. He accused me of beating my chest, so i advised him i would employ the help of the authorities if he doesn't cease and desist from his perpetual calls. Not sure it did much good but now he's heard it from me too. So much poison!!!! Hope all is going well with your job search. I have a couple of irons in the fire and looks like i shall return to trucking. I'm okay with that, but the hours will be hard again. C'est la vie!
So JM sure loves his chorizo...always reminds me of brekkie at Gloria's...that's a good thing!! Really enjoyed the visit with you both, although at times seemed a little strained. Hope it's okay to chat in your blog like this???? Love David xox.